On Infernus, Gorgoroth, "Neo-Nazism" and Homosexuality?
Gorgoroth frontman's ties with so-called "White Supremacy" (NSBM) apparently go deeper than most people initially thought... friends with the infamous "Nazi" troll Richard Spencer?
Is Gorgoroth a NSBM - or “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist KKK Racist” as the media gratiously labels them - band? At first I was taken aback by this question… they almost never write songs about Adolf Hitler, WWII, Germany, 1488 culture, the Third Reich, werewolves, or anything even close to what people traditionally associate with the NSBM black metal scene… in fact, their lyrics are painfully stupid. Most of the time, it’s just some interchangeable vocalist - Gaahl, Hat, Pest, Atterigner - chanting nonsense about “Satan! Satan! Satan! Hail Satan Yeah!” - yes, that’s literally the lyrics of most of their songs on Instinctus Bestialis1. But Hitler? Goebbels? Fascism? Mussolini? That’s a new one!
Yet, following my previous post on Infernus and his physical altercations with far-left antifa/Zionist activists - also a must read post - I was alerted by one commenter that Infernus’s ties to what the media calls “Neo-Nazi White Supremacy” are actually much deeper and more complex than one might think, and they go back well before August 11, 2023… the day he was infamously left in a hospital, as I detailed in my last piece.
With regards to Gorgoroth’s ties to NSBM/White Supremacist/Nazi circles, surprisingly, the answers lie less in overt “Esoteric Hitlerism” and more within the flamboyant homosexual lifestyle espoused by many of the band members (and ex-band members). Some notable names include:
Gaahl, aka Kristian Espedal (his name is a literal slang for fagg-t in Spanish), is a notorious homosexual who has praised Adolf Hitler multiple times in interviews, although he prefers to distance his music from politics2. He has been in an “open relationship” with Infernus. Vocalist of Gorgoroth.
King ov Hell, aka Tom Visnes, is NOT homosexual - he is actually married, has children, and lives a relatively normal life - he was even an English teacher in primary school in Norway! Despite that, during the Gorgoroth name dispute, he revealed that he felt “unconfortable” with the sexual advances made by fellow Gorgoroth members, citing Infernus by name. He denounced a “culture of heterophobia” and also claimed that “most people assumed I was gay simply because I was right wing [which is] ridiculous and offensive”3. Bassist of Gorgoroth.
Goatpervertor, aka Rune Thorsnes, was sent the “Breivik manifesto”. This doesn’t amount to much considering many black metal artists have also received it, including Fenriz of Darkthrone and Varg Vikernes of Burzum. However he often appeared in various “pride parades” around Bergen, until he was kicked out for undisclosed reasons. Some speculate it has to do with his political views. Was the drummer of Gorgoroth, but only for one album.
Atterigner, aka Stefan Todorović, known for his participation in various Serbian nationalist bands including Terrörhammer4. Does that make him NSBM? According to the mainstream media and “alternative music journalists” yes, but then again they call all White people Nazis so why bother. Current vocalist of Gorgoroth.
Infernus, aka Roger Tiegs, is both homosexual… and apparently neo-nazi? He claimed to be “best friends” with Varg Vikernes - someone also accused of being a “Nazi” - but Varg has denied even knowing who Tiegs is. However, it is another “friendship” of Roger Tiegs that has drawn interest over the past decade… yes, we are talking about American “Alt Right” troll Richard Spencer. Guitarist of Gorgoroth.
Personally, I don’t give a damn about homosexuality, heterosexuality, LGBTQIA+, White Supremacy, Black Supremacy, Asian Supremacy, any supremacy, sexual orientation or lifestyle choices… perhaps, because I’m a young woman, I’m much less inclined to be judgemental about these sorts of things… but the entire Infernus/Richard Spencer thing seems very sketchy, to put it lightly.
In the provocative exposé Inferanus [sic] and Richard Spencer, a Lurid *** Scandal, blogger Erik D. of Best Black Metal surmises that Roger Tiegs of Gorgoroth and American media icon and “Alt Right Troll” Richard Spencer were in a gay relationship since at least 2009.
Of course, this is hard to prove as both live on two different continents and are thus rarely seen together, and some of the author’s claims seem a bit “sensationalist” in my opinion - again, maybe because I am a woman and don’t perceive these types of “sex scandals” in the same way - but some parts do merit a second look.
Recently, on one of his “college tours”, white nationalist and self-proclaimed pro-European spokesperson Richard Spencer was questioned about his ties to Gorgoroth guitarist Infernus, a question that he dodged in a hilarious manner by talking about “Motor Head” and Depeche Mode.
This anecdotal event becomes very significant once you realize that both Infernus and Richard Spencer, in their respective disciplines, have been accused multiple times of being closet homosexuals, something both men have repeatedly denied even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
If someone were to bring up a link between Fenriz and Jared Taylor, or Necrobutcher and Hervé Ryssen, no one would bat an eyelid… but it’s a strange coincidence that the two most “queer” members of black metal and pro-White advocacy are apparently well acquainted with each other, particularly when you consider that Infernus – often called Inferanus, out of mockery – is known for having organized more than a few “Village People” parties with band member and fellow homosexual “acquaintance” Gaahl.
Emphasis mine.
Now, I doubt Roger Tiegs - who is apparently called Inferanus? Infer-Anus? Like the organ, get it? - ever organised a “village people’s party,” with his band members, let alone multiple ones, especially considering his relationship with Gaahl was more of a short term flirt than anything more serious.
But the similarities between Infernus and Richard Spencer are very eerie indeed. Consider that:
Both rose to fame very rapidly, and were heavily pushed by the media and other non-organic sources (this is what they call “astroturfing” in political science and marketing jargon).
Both are known pathological liars. Infernus loves to make up crazy stories about how he was going to “blow up a prison” to free Varg Vikernes, how Gaahl once “attacked him from behind” but he survived by “fighting to his last beath” with a katana.
Both have been kicked out of their respective organisations. Richard Spencer was banned from American Renaissance (an American Think-Tank) and Infernus was kicked out of Gorgoroth by Gaahl and King ov Hell5, although he eventually managed to retain the rights to the name.
Both are seriously despised by their colleagues and collaborators. Richard Spencer is widely hated by the American White Nationalist movement, who consider him a clown and a liability, as well as by European nationalist movements, who consider him a “globalist shill” for endorsing the Ukraine war and calling for European nations to impose a “military draft” to add more cannon fodder to the war. Infernus, on the other hand, in addition to being hated by his bandmates (Gaahl, King ov Hell, Pest, Frost and Hat) is also widely held in disdain by the black metal scene at large, with Nocturno Culto of Darkthrone attempting to have Gorgoroth removed from the Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone tribute album6. Necrobutcher of Mayhem famously called Roger Tiegs the “biggest queer since Euronymous” in a 2019 interview, and Teloch said that it was downright “impossible to work with [Infernus]” because he is “such a petty b-tch”.
Both have been assaulted by Zionist antifas. Spencer was punched in the face by a Jewish shit-eater in a now viral clip, whereas Infernus was seriously hospitalised in late 2023 following a media coordinated assault7.
Both are suspected of being police informants. For Spencer, the allegations that he was receiving “[US] State Department money” have never been properly refuted - the only time he tried to “debunk” the claims, he only revealed that he was, in fact, on the FBI list of “disinformation agents” and was subsequently called out by Nick J. Fuentes (another American right-wing celebrity). As for Infernus, he was convicted of rape but never sentenced to jail… which raises questions in a country (Norway) where mundane social media posts can lead to harsh penal sentencing8.
I’ll leave you with a fascinating tirade on Infernus and his role in the BDSM community. Keep in mind this was written in early 2018, well before the most damning material about Infernus’ backstage antics was public knowledge.
Homosexuals are attracted to “Hitler” for the same reason they are attracted to “Satan”, and black metal which has basically always been a synthesis of the two… because it’s “edgy”, taboo-breaking behavior. In his best-selling book Real Satanic Black Metal9, author Antoine Grand covers in depth the various links between the band Gorgoroth, the so-called “NSBM” subset of black metal and homosexual activities of some of its members.
It is well known, for instance, that Third Reich paraphernalia – and they have Hugo Boss to thank for that – is a common fetish for many homosexual men like Infernus, Gaahl, King ov Hell and probably Richard Spencer as well. In fact, homosexuals have developed their own variation on “Holocaust porn” in which the dominant male, usually physically intimidating and “well hung”, and who plays the role of a SS officer, emotionally abuses and sexually humiliates a physically smaller, more passive “sub-human”. For reference, Infernus is 1m68 (5’5″) making him, in every sense of the word, quite the small package.
It’s not so far-fetched to believe that both Gaahl and Richard Spencer, who are known to be physically imposing and both rumored to be quite “dominating” in the bedroom, were playing the role of the dominant SS officer, while Infernus, smaller and naturally more submissive, was to be sexually “disciplined”.
That pretty much sums up the sentiment towards Gorgoroth. Although I should point out that the author (Erik D.) seems to have an axe to grind against InferAnus - loooool this has to be the most clever nickname ever :/ - as he calls him, and there are many normal metalheads that enjoy the band.
Personally I consider them quite bland, and the only good album they released was their debut Pentagram, if you overlook the stolen Burzum riffs.
This is my first time posting an “essay” if you can call it that, and if you’ve made it to the end: congratulations. Tell me if you like this format, or if you prefer the shorter, more succint posts.
Instinctus Bestialis, released in 2015, is the latest album by Gorgoroth, and the first one to has been composed, both musically and lyrically, almost entirely by Infernus himself. It’s also widely regarded as the worst album of a very mediocre band, having a rating of 29% on Metalious and Morsay.net. The lyrics for most tracks are particularly dumb, chanting “Hail Satan” like it’s a political slogan. Ironically, the track “Dyonisian Rite” is thought to be a tribute to Richard Spencer and the American Alt-Right (or “Degenerate Right” as they were called around ~2015-2016), but this has never been confirmed by either the band or Spencer.
See the Instinctus Bestialis /Incestus Excrementi. Take this “interview” with a grain of salt, though, as it was done by famous Internet provocateur “Penis Metal” - basically “bitterman” but even more extreme.
Source: Gaahl and King ov Hell Publically Disavow Infernus. “the members of Gorgoroth, led by one Infernus, all decided to have sex with each other, all the way until Gaahl, King ov Hell, Pest, Frost and others got tired of Roger’s advances and just quit the band”
Source: Yes, Gorgoroth is a NSBM Band. Not a very reliable source, likely written by an anti-White militant, suspected of being “antifa666” himself (of “all black metal is racist” infamy). Possibly Jewish, as many commenters seem to brag about Jeffrey Epstein, the Israeli pedocriminal and blackmailer, raping “dirty shiksas” - an ethnic slur for non-Jewish women. However Atterigner did confirm himself being the frontman of Terrörhammer and has played live with them on several occasions.
This took place around 2006. Both Gaahl and King ov Hell decided to remove Infernus, one of the original founders, from the band. Reasons weren’t publically communicated but it was heavily implied that Infernus’ antics and sexual advances made people uncomfortable sharing the stage with Gorgoroth. Also cited was Infernus’ lack of participation in writting albums and alcohol addiction.
Fenriz also chimed in, saying “if Infernus is what black metal is about, then I don’t want to have anything to do with black metal.”
Read Metal-Archives Forum Celebrates Attacks on Infernus, or you can also check out my previous post that goes into the issue of far-left/anti-White/Zionist violence against black metal musicians.
Source: 100% Cucked, Even King ov Hell Mocks Infernus. “On January 4th, 2006, Infernus was taken to court on charges of kidnapping, participation in gang rape and illegal weapon possession. With exception of admitting some minor violations of Norwegian firearm regulations he has declared himself not guilty. In May 2006, Infernus and his friend were sentenced to three years in prison for rape. Both of them appealed the verdict. Infernus won the appeal despite having been found guilty in the rape case. He was however convicted of “gross negligent rape” (i.e. he should have known that the woman had been raped by his friend before he himself had sex with the woman – who had at this point surrendered mentally) and didn’t serve time in prison.”
Amazon link (no affiliate): https://www.amazon.com/Real-Satanic-Black-Metal-Satanism/dp/1522724605/.